Friday, August 3, 2018

Assignment - Fundamental of Partnership

Q-1. Shiv & Hari entered into Partnership on 1st April ,2015 ,Contributing Rs 500,000 & Rs 2,00,000 respectively. Hari also introduced Rs 1,00,000 as additional capital on 1st July ,2015.They agreed to share Profits and Losses in the ratio of 3 : 2. Following information is Provided regarding the Partnership:
(i) Shiv & Hari each are allowed a Salary of Rs 5000 per Quarter .
(ii) Interest is to be allowed on Capitals @ 8% P.A. and Charged on Drawings at 10% P.A.
Drawings of Shiv & Hari during the year were Rs 12,000 and Rs 10,000 respectively. Profit as 31st March ,2016 before the above mentioned adjustments was Rs 1,96,000.
(i)  Necessary Journal Entries relating to appropriation of Profits.
(ii) Profit & Loss Appropriation A/C , and
(iii) Partner’s Capital A/C.

Q-2. A & B are Partners Sharing Profits in the Ratio of 3 : 2, with Capitals of Rs 5,00,000 and Rs 3,00,000 respectively. Interest  on Capital is agreed @ 6% P.a. B is to be allowed an annual salary of Rs 60,000. During the Year 2016-17,the Profits prior to the calculation of Interest on Capital but after charging B’s Salary amounted to Rs 1,80,000 . A Provision of 5% of the Profit is to be made in respect of Commission to the Manger .
Prepare Profit & Loss Appropriation Account showing the Distribution of Profit and the Partner’s Capital accounts for the Year ending March 31,2017.

Q-3. X & Y are Partners in a Firm. Their Capital as on April 1,2015 were Rs 2,50,000 & Rs 1,80,000 respectively. They share Profits Equally .On July 1, 2015,they decided that  their Capitals should be Rs 2,00,000 each. The Necessary Adjustments in the capitals were made  by withdrawing or introducing cash. According to the Partnership deed ,interest on Capital is to be allowed at 8% P.a. X is to get an annual salary of Rs 4000 & Y is allowed a monthly salary of Rs 800.It was found that Y was regularly withdrawing his monthly salary.
The Manager of the firm is entitled to a Commission of  10% of the Profit before any Adjustment is made according to the Partnership deed.
Net profit for the year ended on 31st March ,2016, before  charging Interest on Capital & Salary ,was Rs 80,000. Prepare the Profit & Loss Appropriation Account ,Partner’s Capital Accounts & Current Accounts.

Q-4. A, B & C were Partners in a Firm having Capitals of Rs 60,000 , Rs 60,000 &  Rs 80,000 respectively. Their Current Account balances were A: Rs 10,000; B: Rs 5000; & C: Rs 2000{Dr.}. According  to the Partnership deed 10% of the Net Profit is to be transferred to general reserve and the Partners were entitled to Interest on Capital @ 5% P.a. C being the Working Partner was also entitled to a Salary of Rs 12,000 P.a. The Profits were to be divided as Follows:
(a)The  First  Rs 20,000 in Proportion to their Capitals.
(b) Next Rs 30,000 in the ratio of  5 : 3 : 2.
(c)Remaining Profits to be Shared Equally.
The Firm made a Profit of Rs 1,80,000 for the Year ended 31st March,2017 before Charging any of the above items .Prepare the Profit & Loss Appropriations A/C  and Pass Necessary Journal Entry for appropriation of Profit.

Q-5. A & B are Partners with Capitals of Rs 5,00,000 & Rs 3,00,000 respectively .The Profit for the year ended 31st March , 2016 was Rs  3,46,000 before allowing Interest on Partner’s Loan .Show the distribution of Profit after taking the Following into Consideration:
(i).Interest on A’s Loan of Rs 1,50,000 to the Firm Provided on 1st April ,2015.
(ii).Interest on Drawings @ 6% P.a. Drawings were A Rs 60,000 and B Rs 40,000.
(iii).B is to be allowed a Commission of 2% on Sales. Sales for the year were Rs 30,00,000.
(iv).10% of the Divisible Profits is to be Kept in a Reserve A/c.

Q-6.  X , Y & Z are Partners with Fixed capital of Rs 1,50,000 , Rs 1,20,000 and Rs 1,00,000 respectively . The Balance of Current Account on 1st April,2015 were X Rs 8000 Cr.; Y Rs 3000 Cr. & Z Rs 2000 Dr. . X advanced Rs 20,000 on October 1, 2015. 

The Partnership deed Provided for the Following :
(a)Interest on capital at 5% P.a.
(b) Interest on Drawings at 6% P.a. Each Partner drew Rs 10,000 on October 1,2015.
(c)Rs 20,000 is to be transferred to a Reserve A/C.
(d)Profit & Loss to be shared in the Proportion of 3 : 2 : 1 upto Rs 60,000 & above Rs 60,000 Equally.
Net Profit of the Firm for the Year ended 31st March , 2016 before above adjustments was Rs 1,15,400.
From the above information ,Prepare Profit & Loss Appropriation account ,Capital Account and Current Account of the Partners.

Q-7. The Capital Accounts of X & Y showed balances of RS 40,000 & Rs 20,000 on 1st April , 2012. They Shared Profits in the ration of 3 : 2 .They allowed Interest on Capitals  @ 10% P.a. and are charged Interest on Drawings @ 12% P.a. X also advanced a loan of Rs 10,000 to the Firm on 1st August , 2012.
During the Year X withdrew Rs 1000 Per Month in the Beginning of Every month ,Whereas Y withdrew Rs 1000 Per Month at the End of the Every Month.
The Profits for the year ended 31st March,2013 , Before the above mentioned adjustments were Rs 20,960. Show the Distribution of Profits and Prepare the Partner’s Capital Accounts.

Q-8. On 1st April, 2014, A ,B and C started a Business with Capitals of Rs 5,00,000 ;Rs 4,50,000 and Rs 2,50,000 respectively. According  to the Partnership agreement :
(i)Profit earned in any year will be distributed as under:
Upto Rs 3,00,000 Equally.
Excess over Rs 3,00,000 – 1/5th  to A , 2/5th to B , & 2/5th to C.
(ii)Allow Interest on Capital @ 5% P.a. and Charge Interest on Drawings  @ 8% P.a.
(iii) A & C are entitled to get monthly salaries of Rs 4,500 & Rs 5,500 repectively. In addition to salaries , both are Entitled to get a Commission of 4% (each) on Net Profit after taking into consideration Salaries ,Interest and all Commissions .
Drawings of the Partners during the year were :
A withdrew regularly Rs9000 at the end of Every Month.
B withdrew regularly Rs8000 at the beginning of Every Month.
C withdrew Rs50,000 during the year.
The Profit of the Firm for the Year before charging all the above adjustments was Rs 5,47,880.
Dispute the Profit among the Partners and Prepare Partner’s Current accounts when Capitals are Fixed.

Q-9.  A & B Contribute Rs 5,00,000 & Rs 3,00,000 respectively by way of Capital on which they agree to allow Interest On Capital @ 6% P.a. Their  respective share of Profits is 3 : 2 and the Profit for the Year is Rs 40,000 before allowing Interest on Capitals. Prepare the Necessary Account to Allocate Interest On Capitals in the Following Cases:
(i)When the Partnership deed is Silent about the treatment of Interest on capital ,and
(ii)When Interest is a Charge as Per the Partnership deed.

Q-10. Arun & Arora were Partners in a Firm Sharing Profits in the ratio of  5 : 3. Their Fixed Capitals on 1.04.2010 were : Arun Rs 60,000 & Arora Rs 80,000.They agreed to allow Interest on Capital @ 12 % P.a. and to Charge on Drawings @ 15 % P.a. The Profit of the Firm for the Year ended 31.3.2011 before all above adjustments were Rs 12,600. The Drawings made by Arun were Rs 2000 and by Arora Rs 4000 during the Year .Prepare Profit & loss Appropriation account of Arun & Arora. Show Your Calculations Clearly. The Interest On Capital will be allowed even if the firm incurs a loss.
Q-11. On 31.03.2014 the Capital Accounts of Elvin ,Monu & Ahmed after making adjustments for Profits ,Drawings Etc.were as , Elvin – Rs 80,000 ; Monu – Rs 60,000 & Ahmed – Rs 40,000. Subsequently , It was discovered that Interest on Capital and Interest on Drawings had been Omitted .The Partners were Entitled to Interest on Capital @5% P.a. The Drawings during the year were Elvin – Rs 20,000 ; Monu – Rs 15,000 & Ahmed – Rs 9000. Interest on Drawings Chargeable to the Partners was Elvin – Rs 500 ; Monu – Rs 360 & Ahmed – Rs 200. The Net Profit  For the Year ended 31st March ,2014 amounted to Rs 1,20,000. The Profit sharing ratio of the Partners was 3 : 2 : 1.
Record the Necessary adjustment Entry for Rectifying the above Errors of Omission .Show your Working Clearly.

Q-12.  Ahmed , Bheem and Daniel are Partners in a Firm. On 1st April,2011 the balance in their capital Accounts stood at Rs 8,00,000 , Rs 6,00,000 & Rs 4,00,000 respectively .They shared Profits in the Proportion of 5 : 3 : 2 respectively. Partners are Entitled to Interest on capital @ 5% P.A. and Salary to Bheem @ Rs3000 Per Month and a Commission of Rs 12,000 to Daniel as Per the Provisions of the Partnership Deed.
Ahmad’s Share of Profit,Excluding Interest on Capital, is Guaranteed at not less than Rs 25,000 P.a. Bheem’s share of Profit , Including Interest on Capital ,but excluding salary ,is Guaranteed at not less than Rs55,000 P.a. Any deficiency arising on that account shall be met by Daniel. The Profits of the Firm for the Year ended 31st march ,2012 amounted to Rs2,16,000. Prepare ‘profit & Loss Appropriation A/c ‘ For the Year ended 31st March,2012.

Q-13.  A & b are in Partnership sharing Profits and Losses in the ratio of 3 : 2. They Decided to admit C , their Manager , as a Partner with Effect From 1st April,2016, by giving One – Fourth share of Profits .
C, While a manger , was in receipt of salary Rs 27,000 P.a. and a Commission of 10% of the Net Profits after charging such salary and Commission.
In terms of the Partnership deed, any excess amount which C will be Entitled to receive as a Partner over the amount which would have been due to him if he Continued to be the manager ,would have to be Personally Borne by A out of his share of Profit. Profit for the Year ended 31.03.2017,amounted to Rs2,25,000,before payment of salary and Commission.
You are required to show the Profit 7 Loss Appropriation A/c For the Year ended 31.03.2017.

Q-14.  A, B & C are in Partnership . A & B sharing profits in the ratio of  3 : 1 and C receiving an annual  Salary of Rs 32000 Plus 5% of the Profits after Charging his Salary and Commission ,or ¼ of the Share of Profits of the firm whichever is more. Any Excess of the latter over the Former received by C is , under the Partnership deed , to be Borne by A & B in the ratio of 3 : 2. The Profits for the Year ended 31st March ,2017 came to Rs 1,68,000 after Charging C ‘s Salary. 


